Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, Manic Monday!

Well off to cooking class we went. So I could go shopping. I was sick with strep so I also had to pick up a prescription, which wasn't ready. Any how, the kids made cookie bouquets for father's day, which they ate on the way home, sorry daddy. Then we had to go a different store to buy spray paint. There was a teeter-ta-tor airplane which seats 7 kids. The kids loved it so I took their pictures. Jenni this is when the "wow you have 4 kids" comments came into play. The girls decided this is what they wanted for their birthday at $230 I'm guessing no, but they can hope. The other part is their dad would have to assemble it and it looks like that would take hours.


kjSmith said...

Jared's parents have one of those and it took his mom and sister 8 hours to put it together and 3 trips to the hardware store, with 8 grandkids looking on with bated breath. When it was done they played on it for about 4 minutes and then went inside to watch a movie. True story. The end.

Shelly Kenison said...

Cool teeter-ta-tor. If you get it for their birthday I want a turn!

Lacie said...

That cooking class looks like fun!

Jenni said...

Sorry you have strep! Isn't it worse when adults get it?? It's been a while since I had it....

Here's some of my favorite kid comments, I've sure you've heard them too: Wow. You have four kids? You must be busy. And your hands must be full. My goodness, so many kids. You don't look old enough to have four kids. How old ARE you?

I'm just glad I'm done having kids before I turn 30!! Now it's "operation get back in shape"

Dani said...

I think we saw that teeter totter at Costco. It looks like fun, but I think the cool factor might wear off too fast. Maybe not though! Hope you get feeling better!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

That teeter totter looks like good times...I will agree! Strep throat though...Not so much! I had that a while back and it flat SUCKS! I will wish you a quick recovery. I hope you feel better soon:)