Thursday, July 24, 2008

2 year olds at Forever Body!

My sister-in-law Christy & I were brave on Tuesday. Our other sister-in-law Tiffany was having a birthday party for Squire. So we left our other kiddies with her and went to the Forever Body Outlet. With three 2 year old's & a baby! After saying "don't touch that", "let mommy open it", "hold on I'll let you smell" about a dozen times. And hearing "mommy mell", "i wanna mell mommy", "mmm mells good" another few dozen times. We actually survived the store and actually didn't break anything in our path. After we went to Macey's to get the kids a ice cream cone. It was a fun break even though we had 4 kids with us. Both of our husbands were gone early in the week on business trips, so we deserved it!


Adrienne said...

Do you sometimes think that containing like oh sheep or chickens would be easier than running after your 2 year olds? But seriously, how cute are they?!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

LOL...I love how they were saying "that mells good" That is so darn cute hehehe:)

Robby and Christy said...

Seriously it was a miracle from heaven that they didn't break anything. That was a fun time!

Shelly Kenison said...

What brave Mom's you guys are. I don't know if I would have dared!

Lacie said...

I love that you got this picture!! I bet you where in there and thought what a perfect blog entry.

corrychronicles said...

You are too brave Chelsi! That is a cute picture of them though.