Monday, March 16, 2009

Worst FHE ever!!

We were all really worn out tonight so we decided that we would play the wii as family home evening tonight and eat chocolate waffle brownies. Sounds like fun huh! WRONG! Ashlynn accidentally hit Jaxsyn with a remote. Sam threw a fit about not being able to make her person jump. Coleman actually did pretty well, he even let someone else be 1st remote!!!! Jaxsyn ran into a chair at the dinner table and then threw a fit because she didn't get to carry the brownies. Then fighting over which games to play within 30 minutes we were done!!! Had them shower get in jamas and read, lights out by 8:00pm! Yea!!! I think they were so tired from playing outside in the nice weather all afternoon they all fell asleep really quick!


Natalie said...

Sounds all too familiar!

Lacie said...

Love it!! hahaha

Adrienne said...

...and we are all laughing with you! Did your "demon mommy" voice come out at all? I know mine would have!!

Amy's Blog said...

Oh man, you just put off my kid making idea for another year or two! :)

Jennifer Parcell said...

It was just a matter of time before someone got wacked with a remote! Everytime I watch people play it seems there are a few really close calls! I am sorry FHE was a bust! There is always next week! :)