Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day!

Valentine Fairy strikes again! Pink pancakes with chocolate chips (Ryan's specialty) & juice for breakfast! The kids got mittens, candy & money (rather than a bunch of little crappy V-day toys)! Ryan & I don't celebrate Valentine's because we tell each other everyday how much we love each other aaaannnddd I'm cheap and would rather not get 100 dollar flowers or wait for 4 hours to each dinner with my hubby. So we stay home and got out a different night!


Jennifer Parcell said...

Ofcourse you went all out! If a holiday passes and you don't go all out, then hell has frozen over or you have gone a wall! Cause neither of those two things will happen!

Amy's Blog said...

Amen sister! I agree about valentines day. We usually celebrate the day before or the day after.

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

How fun! I agree..I'm not much of a 100 dollar flower person myself!