Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day!

Bunches of fun!  Huge Beans Bags from Mom & Dad

Santa brought cruisers for Sam & Ashlynn
 and a motor scooter for Cole and a car for Jaxsyn.

Before & After

Before and After of Christmas
Christmas day we did a little different this year we did just stockings at 7am and then ate breakfast and went to Church for 1 1/2hours.  I loved every minute of Church it was a very spiritual day for me.  I couldn't help but feel so blessed. After Church we opened for about an hour! We call the 2nd picture Christmas puked all over the family room!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve with the Hirst's

We always do Christmas Eve with my family! I love having such awesome traditions yummy dinner, Grandma Great passes out her gift for us, we exchange cousin gifts, brother sister gifts, kids open pjs, and a new Christmas book. It always makes me feel like Christmas has begun! Ryan & I started our own family tradition of taking the kids to lunch and a movie on Christmas Eve.  It makes the whole day so much fun, we love it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Partying with the Crockett's

Every year we have a party with the Crockett's on the Friday before Christmas we moved it up this year since the 23rd was the Friday before.  We delievered out Sub for Santa and then exchanged gifts. The kids love hanging with their cousins.  There are so many of us now!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What we did in December...

Coleman had a gingerbread house party and a school program.
Jaxsyn had a dance recital.
Ashlynn preformed at the mall with her new dance company.